Code of Ethics

NAR Code of Ethics

Mandated Requirement 
Deadline:  December 31, 2027
NAR Code of Ethics Cycle 8 (January 1, 2025 – December 31, 2027)

REALTORS® are required to complete ethics training of not less than 2 hours, 30 minutes of instructional time within three-year cycles.  The training must meet specific learning objectives and criteria established by the National Association of REALTORS®.   

Members will need to obtain ethics training during the reporting periods during which they are not renewing their California real estate licenses and provide SFAR with proof of completion.

OPTION 1:    If you are renewing your California real estate license between 01/01/22 and 12/31/24, or you will complete this requirement through an entity other than NAR, complete and submit the NAR Ethics Training Class Self-Certification Form.

OPTION 2:Take the Ethics Course Online for FREE . For questions about the course please call the help line: 800-874-6500.
NOTE: When you have successfully completed the online course, you will receive a confirmation by e-mail from Please forward the completion confirmation to Membership at   

Completion of this Ethics course will not meet the DRE license renewal requirement.  

Consequences of Not Completing the Mandated NAR Ethics Requirement 

If the mandated NAR Code of Ethics requirement is not completed by the deadline of December 31, 2027, SFAR, CAR and NAR memberships will be suspended on January 1, 2028. 

In the event of a REALTOR® broker’s suspension of membership, the memberships of all REALTOR® agents under his or her office will also become suspended. Further, upon a broker’s termination of membership, the same will apply to his or her agents’ REALTOR® memberships. 

If a REALTOR® agent’s membership is terminated, that agent’s broker will incur a Non-Member Special Dues Assessment in the amount of $771 for that agent’s failure to remain an active REALTOR® member licensed under a REALTOR® broker. 

Once a terminated REALTOR® who is in default of meeting the mandated NAR Code of Ethics requirement has completed the course, he or she will qualify for reinstatement of membership. However, please note that a reinstatement fee will apply.


Frequently Asked Questions

  1. When does a member’s Code of Ethics cycle begin?
    Cycles changed from every two years to every three years in November 2019. The current cycle ended December 31, 2024. The newest cycle began January 1, 2025 and will end on December 31, 2027.
  2. How Does the 3-year Cycle Work?
    NAR requires every REALTOR® to take an Ethics course every three years. If you still need to meet your Ethics requirement, please go to

    3.Does the CE license renewal satisfy this requirement?
    Yes, a free ethics course is included in CAR’s 45-hour license renewal package.

  1. Do CAR Honorary Member for Life recipients required to complete the Code of Ethics Training?
    Yes, only NAR Emeritus Members are exempt form the Code of Ethics Training requirement.
  1. What happens if a REALTOR® does not meet the training requirements on time? How long can a member be suspended for not completing their ethics training?
    Failure to meet the requirement for any three-year cycle will result in suspension of membership for the first two months (January and February) of the year following the end of any three (3) year cycle or until the requirement is met, whichever occurs sooner. On March 1 of that year, the membership of a member who is still suspended as of that date will be automatically terminated.
  1. What are the consequences when membership suspended?
    A REALTOR® who is suspended for not meeting the REALTORS® ethics training requirement is that all the rights, privileges, and services is entitled to a REALTOR® are suspended until they satisfy the training requirement. It they meet the requirement the next day, then their rights, privileges, and services are restored the next day. While suspended, though, the obligation to abide by the Code of Ethics continues, as does the obligation to pay dues.
  1. What are the consequences of membership suspension on MLS access.
    Suspension of REALTOR membership will, in most instances, have no effect on MLS participatory or user/subscriber privileges. Licensees affiliated with MLS Participants have subscriber/user rights irrespective of whether they hold REALTOR membership personally-or whether their REALTOR membership is in good standing or is suspended.
  1. What if a REALTOR® who is a sole proprietor, partner in partnership, or corporate office is suspended for non-compliance?
    In the event of a REALTOR® broker’s suspension of membership, the membership of all REALTOR® agents under his or her office will also become suspended. Further, upon a broker’s termination of membership, the same will apply to his or her agents’ REALTOR® membership
  1. If I am exempt from taking the 45 HRS CE course through the California Department of Real Estate. Am I exempt for taking the NAR Code of Ethics every three-years cycle?
    No, only NAR Emeritus Members are exempt from the Code of Ethics Training requirement.
  1. If I missed the Cycle 7 deadline of December 31, 2024, what date will my membership be terminated?  
    March 1, 2025
Code of Ethics

NAR’s Code of Ethics, adopted in 1913, was one of the first codifications of ethical duties adopted by any business group. The Code ensures that consumers are served by requiring REALTORS® to cooperate with each other in furthering clients’ best interests. View the Code of Ethics and Standards of Practice from The National Association of REALTORS®.

Check Your Code of Ethics Status

To check whether or not you have completed the NAR Ethics requirement: 

Log into the Association’s Dashboard,  click on “Member Svcs.” On the next page click the menu button on the top right-hand side of the screen. Next, click Personal Services and then click the “Track Your Ethics Requirements” button. Lastly, click on the “Personal Education Tracking” link. Your completion status will display. 

Updating Your Status

 REALTORS® are required to complete ethics training of not less than 2 hours and 30 minutes of instructional time within three-year cycles.  The training must meet specific learning objectives and criteria established by the National Association of REALTORS®.   

 Take the Ethics Course Online – FREE

 Once you have completed the requirement online, NAR will update your record automatically. 

If you’ve  completed the requirement through another vendor,  please fill out the Self-Certification Form and send back as instructed. Please allow up to two business days for your record to be updated in the system.  

Ethics Complaints and Arbitration

Please visit CAR’s Ethics Complaints and Arbitration request webpage HERE for additional information about ethics violations and complaints.